19 Jan Invitation
Vri-Jon Experience Days
11/12/13 March 2022
Ossenzijl; Vri-Jon DSA Yachts is going to organize an open house, called: Vri-Jon Experience Days.
This event will take place on 11, 12 and 13 March 2022 from 10:00 until 16:30. This is partly because Boot Holland in Leeuwarden cannot continue, given the latest rules regarding Covid-19.
At the time of this event, we expect to be able to show several aspects, for a large part from start to finish, of our new Contessa series and a one-of Vri-Jon Kotter.
Starting with;
— The beginning of 1 of our motor yachts; in the welding hall the Contessa 39 OC will be on display, under construction.
– A few doors down the Contessa 42 OC will be on display in our painting hall.
– The new Contessa 47 AC will be at our “Neighbors” of CS Jachtbetimmeringen, which will also be worked on at that time for a beautiful luxury interior and carpentry style, what exactly fits our image of our motor yachts!
– And Finally, there will be 2 yachts in our sales marina, both of which are ready and will be open for our visitors. The Vri-Jon 42 OC called “Avalon” and the one-of
Vri-Jon Kotter, which will have just launched into water.
You are most welcome to visit our shipyard from Friday 11 March to 13 March in Ossenzijl. You will get a really good insight into how a Vri-Jon motor yacht is created. From a cutting package to a fully luxurious Vri-Jon yacht!
CS Jachtbetimmeringen will also be open for visitors to this event. This company is located almost next to our shipyard.
For the latest updates about the Vri-Jon Experience Days, we recommend that you keep an eye on our website and our social media.
We hope to see you at our shipyard in Ossenzijl!
Vri-Jon “Proven Quality”!
Of course we have to take into account the current Covid-19 virus measures, that can change weekly.
For this, we refer you to the current measurements in the Netherlands:
Our address:
Vri-Jon DSA Yachts
Opdijk 16
8376 HH Ossenzijl
+31 (0)6- 52 65 50 81
+31 (0)561- 477 700